What We Believe

We believe that there is only one God, and the only mediator between God and men (Jesus Christ) and in the Holy Spirit as a comforter and guide.  The Triune God. Three in Person - One in Essence.

We believe that the Bible is the word of God and our only rule of faith and conduct.

We believe that we are instruments used by God for the propagation of his kingdom  

About the Word of God

We believe that the Bible is the only rule of faith and practice (Titus 2.1; Heb 4.12), as it is a revelation from God and therefore they are clothed with authority from Him (2 Sam 23.2; 1 Cor 14.37; 1 Thess 4.2; Ap 22.6). We believe that God revealed Himself in a varied way (Heb. 1-1-3) and progressively, reaching the summit in the person of Christ (Heb. 1-1-3; Col. 2.9), which reveals to us that she is closed to the history of redemption, person of Christ and record of the apostles. We believe that inspiration is the process by which God ensured an inerrant record (Jn 1.17), infallible, through the Holy Spirit's supervision over human authors, at the moment, in full possession of his faculties (1 Cor 1.14-16; 1 Co 2.10.13; 2 Pe 1.19-21), recorded His revelation, in the words of the original writings of both the Old and New Testaments (1 Tim 5.18; 2 Tim 3.16).

About God the Father

We believe that God is a spiritual and self-existent being (Dt 4.15; 1 Tim 1.17; John 4.24; John 5.26), unique in its essence (Dt 4.6), subsistent and coexisting in the form of three persons of the trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) that inhabit each other and form a single being (Jn 14.10, 20; Jn 17.11, 21-23); distinct in subsistence, but equal in substances and which are related to each other (Gn 1.26; Is 48.13-16; 2 Co 13.13). We believe that God is independent of anything, creature or creation (Acts 17.24.25), but with it - creation - he seeks to relate, which makes him a personal God (John 3.16; Gen. 6.6; Eph 1.8.9), endowed with natural attributes to Him such as: Life, eternity, immutability, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence and sovereignty (Jr 10.10; Jo 5.26; Ps 90.2; Ap 1.8; Jas 1.17; Ml 3.6; Ps 102.27; Heb 6.17; Mt 11.21; Rm 11.33; Gn 18.14; Mt 19.26; Tt 1. two; 139.7-12; Eph 1.11). We believe that God can relate and, thus, has personal attributes related to his character, which are: holiness (1 Pet. 1:15, 16), justice (Ps. 11, 4-7), righteousness (Ps. 25.8), love (John 3.16; 1 Jn 4.16), mercy and grace (Lm 3.22,23; Eph 2.8).

About Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is God, the truth of God and true God, co-eternal with the Father, the only Son of God (Mt 3.16, 17; Mk 1.1; Lk 1.35; Jo 1.34; Jo 3.16), conceived by the Holy Spirit (Mt 1.29; Lk 1.35) through a virgin birth (Mt 1.18-23), being, therefore, possessed of two distinct natures (human and divine) in his unique person (Gal 4.4; Lc 2.40,52; Lk 23.46; Jo 12.27; Mc 13.32; Cl 2.9; 1 Jo 5.20; Rom 9.5). We believe in the necessity of the incarnation (Jn 1.14), death (Lk 23.46) and His resurrection (1 Cor 15.4, 20-23), as the only means of salvation and reconciliation for the sinful man (Jn 3.16-18; 1 Cor 15.3, 4) who is undeserving of salvation, but receives it by the grace and forgiveness of Jesus (Ephesians 2,8,9; Rom. 3:24), being Jesus then the mediator between man and God. We also believe that Jesus could not sin and did not under any circumstances even though he was tempted in everything, as a man similar to us. (Isa 53.9; Jo 8.12; 1 Jo 3.3.5; Heb 4.15, 1 Pe 3.18; Mt 4.1). For a time, Christ willingly gave up his heavenly glory (Phil 2: 5-8). We believe that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father (Cl 3.1), advocating us (1 John 2.1), and from there he will come to seek his own (Mt 26.64) and to judge the world with justice (Acts 17.31).

About the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is one of the persons of the Trinity, therefore being God, having the same essence as the Father and the Son (1 Cor 6.11; Ac 16.7; 2 Cor 13.13) and the same attributes of God (Ac 5.3.4; Ps 138.7-10; Lk 1.35; Job 33.4) as will (1 Cor 12.11; Ac 16.6-11) and intelligence (1 Cor 2.10.11; Rom 8.27). We believe that He was the agent of the creation of the universe (Gen. 1,2, 26) and responsible for the inspiration and revelation of the Holy Scriptures to human authors (2 Pet. 1:19-21). We believe that He acts in the conscience of man and in his new birth in Christ (1 Cor 12.13), and that He also acts as a Comforter and Intercessor for Christians (Jn 14.16, 30; Rm 8.26), glorifying God (Jn 16.14) and convincing the world of sin, justice and judgment with the testimony of the truth (John 16: 7-11). We believe that He works by teaching, testifying, guiding, acting, ordering, performing miracles, peering, assigning and / or choosing and speaking. (Nm 9.20; Rm 8.16; Rm 8.14; Gn 1.2; At 8.29; At 8.39; 1 Co 2.10; At 13.2-4; At 1.16). We also believe that He acts in the life of the Christian by regenerating, baptizing and dwelling in him (John 3.3-6; 1 Cor 12.12.13; 1 Cor 6.15-19). The Christian can also be filled with the Spirit, as well as present his fruit and receive spiritual gifts from Him for service in the body of Christ (Ephesians 5.18-20; Gal 5.22.23; 1 Cor 12.11).

About Man

We believe that man was created by God in his image and likeness (Gen. 1:26, 27), that is, with personal qualities and a moral sense, which differs from the rest of creation. It also possessed not only a material body, but also a soul (Gn 2.7; Ps 139.14), being formed by a material and an immaterial part (Rom 8.10; 1 Co 5.5; Cl 2.5). Within the personal qualities inherent to man is the intellect, which enables him to think, speak and make decisions (Gen. 2.19.20). Man was created holy and without sin (Ec 7.29), but through the sin of Adam (Gen. 3-1-17), the father of mankind, we were imputed to a sinful and totally depraved nature (Rom. 5:12, 21), to which brings to every man the tendency to sin, each being guilty of his own (Rom. 3:23), being under the just condemnation of God (Rom. 6:23), unable to seek Him (Rom. 3,1,18),

About Sin

We believe that through Adam's disobedience to an order of God, sin, that is, everything that human beings do that does not glorify God, became part of human nature itself (Gen. 2.15-17; Rom. 5.12; Rom) 3,9,10,23; Rom. 1: 18-23), that is, each and every human being has a sinful and totally depraved nature innate to himself that leads him to sin and, consequently, to obtain the inherent guilt of him (Rom 5.1 , 12,17; Rom. 7.15-24). Thus, man's only destiny became death, both physical and spiritual, and therefore deprived of the glory of God and condemned to eternal death (Gen. 3:19; Rom. 6.23; Eph. 2.1; Col. 2.13; Jo 3.36 ; Is 59.2; Rom 3.23; 2 Ts 1.9; Rev 20.11-15). We believe that with this spiritual, moral and physical fall, all creation was affected and is totally inclined towards the exercise and suffering of evil (Rom. 3.9, 10.23). Sin affected man at the following levels of relationship: with God (Gen. 3.8-11), with himself (Gen. 3, 4, 4, 16, 19), with his fellow man (Gen. 3, 12, 16, 17), with nature (Gen 3.17-19).

About Salvation

We believe that God, in his infinite love and grace for us, provided for man the means of salvation from his sins and eternal damnation, sending his only Son Jesus Christ as a sinless heir, as a burnt offering for sin (Rom. 5.8; Eph 2.9, 9; Jo 3.16; Heb 4.15, 1 Cor 5.17) to die in place and in favor of the sinner (1 Pet. 2.24; 3.28). He suffered, therefore, with the consequences of sin (Gal. 3:13), to satisfy the just demands of God (Rom. 5.9), and thus reconcile man with Him (Rom. 5:10, 11), making him the son of God (John 1.12) ) and granting eternal salvation (Jn 13.1; 10.28-30; Eph 4.30). We believe that Jesus Christ died for the salvation of man, providing the holy wrath of God and reconciling him to the world (Rom. 5.9; 2 Cor. 5.19).  Because of grace, by faith, man is redeemed, justified, reconciled to God and heir of eternal life(Mt 20.28; Rom 5.1, 10, 11; Jo 13.1. Rom 8.28-39 ).

About the Angels

We believe in the existence of the supernatural world composed of angels, which are naturally spiritual beings, created by God, personal, who cannot marry, immortal, powerful, numerous and hierarchically disposed. (Heb 1.14; Luke 2.8-14; Ps 104.4; Eph 1.21; 1 Pet 3.22; 2 Sm 14.17.20; Mt 22.30; Ps 20.36; Ps 103.20; Rev. 5.11; Cl 1.16; Is 6.2.6; Dn 12.1). They also have intellect, emotions, will (1 Peter 1.12; Luke 2.13; Jd 6), all of whom were created morally holy (Job 2.3; Eze 28.12-17). Many, however, rebelled against God, becoming definitely evil (2 Pet. 2.4; Jd 6; 1 Cor. 6.3). Those who did not rebel remained a creator, therefore, they are definitely good (Ps 103.20; Mt 25.31). We also believe in the real existence of Satan, as an angel created by God without harm, who had a high position, but that was filled with pride and selfishness, being taken from the prominent position by God and originating - not creating - sin (Eze 28.12-19; ​​Is 14.12-15). Satan is not omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent (Job 1.7-11; 2 Cor 2.11), nor self-existent (Ex 28.15), but he has power, is cunning, deceitful, prince of this world, god of this century and will be expelled from heavenly places , imprisoned in the abyss, released at the end of the millennium to then be thrown into the lake of fire (2 Ts 2.9; 2 Cor 2.11; 11.14; Jo 14.30; 2 Co 4.4; Ap 12.9; 20.1-10).

About the Church

We believe that the church started on the day of Pentecost and is the Body and Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:10; 4:15,16). Its participants are the children of God (1 Cor 12: 12,13), that is to say all those who believed and confessed that Jesus is the only Lord and Savior of his life (John 14: 6; 1 John 4.15). We believe that the church's purpose is to glorify God (ef 1,6,12,14) by building the body, taking the gospel of salvation to the lost (Eph 4: 11-13; 3: 10,11; Mt 28: 18-20; 1 Pet 2.9). We believe that the church must practice worship, teaching, communion, piety and missions (Acts 2.42-47), and that it must be under human leadership, qualified and instituted by God (1 Tim 3; Titus 1.5-9 ). We believe that Christ is the head and sustainer of this body (1 Cor 12: 12,13; Eph 5:23), instituted baptism and the Lord's Supper to be performed by the church (Mt 28:19, 20; Ac 8.36-39; 1 Cor 11.

About the End Times

We believe that one day Jesus will return in a personal, visible, physical and imminent way (Is 40.10; Lk 12.40; 1 Thess 5.6). After his return, the new heavens and the new earth will begin, of which all the saved will be part, both those who are alive and those who are already dead, who will be resurrected (Luke 14.14; Jn 5.28,29 Rev 20.4; Dan 12.2; 1 Co 15.51-57). This will be an eternal period of peace, glory, justice, prosperity and equity (Is 11: 2-5). Those who were not saved by Christ are condemned to an eternal separation from God in the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 7-15).